Welcome to the semi-quarterly Houston area ScratchEd Meetup! This gathering is open to all formal and informal educators who use, or are interested in using, the Scratch and Scratch Jr programming languages with the children they teach. No previous programming experience is necessary! Whatever subjects you teach, and whatever the ages of your students, Scratch can be a powerful addition to your educational space. All you need to get started is a willingness to learn, so bring a friend and come see how introducing Scratch can benefit your students.
The Scratch programming language was developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is a block-based language that can be used with students as young as second grade, but is sufficiently powerful for students in middle and high school. https://scratch.mit.edu/
Scratch Jr is a version of Scratch designed for younger children. It can be used by children as young as 4. https://www.scratchjr.org/
ScratchEd Meetups operate on an “un-conference” model similar to an EdCamp. We will begin by getting to know each other over light refreshments. Then we will then collaboratively determine our schedule based on the interests and needs of attendees and break out into the sessions.
We will be meeting from 10:30-12:00pm on September 10, 2022, at the McGovern-Stella Link Branch of the Houston Public Library, 7405 Stella Link Rd. Houston, Texas 77025.
ScratchEd Meetups are always free.
Attendees are encouraged to bring a charged laptop.
Please note:
This program is not sponsored or endorsed by the Houston Public Library.
If you have a special physical or communications need that may impact your participation in this activity, please contact Bradley Quentin at 832-814-5661 or bquentin@houstonisd.org at least 72 hours prior to the event to discuss accommodations. We cannot ensure the availability of accommodations without prior notification of need.